22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education
The Certificate I in Transition Education 22567VIC course is designed for young people with a permanent cognitive impairment or intellectual disability.
The course assists learners to develop life skills and supports self-development so that they can explore suitable future options such as employment, further study or community participation. You will gain knowledge and skills in independence, become active members of the community, and explore future options such as employment, volunteering or further study.
This course enables learners to develop the skills and knowledge to:
- Identify personal goals for community participation or further learning.
- Develop independent living skills to participate in activities in the community.
- Identify information and resources about everyday activities such as travel, wellbeing and recreation.
- Identify rights and responsibilities as community members.
- Develop a personal plan to explore future options.
- Access information and resources to support independent living skills and activities.
- Apply strategies for self-development including participation in interpersonal relationships.
- Use technology to access information and resources to support independent living skills and activities.
Students completing Certificate I in Transition Education may pathway into further specific vocational education and training including the Certificate I Work Education 22566VIC.
Before you enrol, you will need to:
- Successfully complete a pre-
course interview with us
- Successfully complete a LLN assessment
- Be a post-compulsory school age learner
Students must be 18 years of age and have finished their schooling.
Course Length:
12 months (1 day a week) or
6 months (2 days a week)