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Meet our new Education Support Officer

By August 29, 2019October 8th, 2024No Comments

Actually, she’s not new at all!

Patricia has been with Brite for a few years working in our Pak Production Team. Whilst Patricia will tell you that she always enjoyed her job, she always aspired for something bigger in open employment. In her work, learning, and daily life, Patricia has always adopted a very pro-active approach. And, she is also very persistent! She once had a dream of owning her own home, well she’s done that now. And whilst an opportunity in open employment may have seemed distant initially, it never stopped her from dreaming.

Patricia started to realise her dream a few years back while undertaking a catering course with Brite. Whilst the course provided Patricia with skills to work in a hospitality environment, including food handling, hygiene, preparation and presentation, etc. it was her natural leadership skills and her passion for helping others where she got the most value. During that course, she (taking her own initiative) took on an unofficial mentor role, helping others and providing individual support to her peers so that they could complete the program successfully. Little did she know that she was already becoming a trainer’s aid in the making.

Meantime, Patricia has also received some deserving accolades. Not only was she named Brite’s 2017 Student of the Year, she was also a finalist for the 2018 Ro-Allen Learn Local Award, recognising pre-accredited learner excellence.

Since then, Patricia has continued her studies in other nationally accredited programs with Brite. In each instance, she has very much been a stand-out personality in the classroom; not afraid to take on challenges, ask questions and try something new. She has contributed to class discussions and activities, conducting her own research and sharing her own experiences and findings.

Patricia has naturally become a role-model, mentor and support for her peers both in the classroom and in the workplace; whilst continuing her very important role of supporting our trainers. Patricia’s peer support helped many of her colleagues successfully complete their studies. Her hard work also provided our trainers with great assistance.

There’s a famous quote by Zig Ziglar (American author and motivational speaker), “if you want to achieve your goals, help others to achieve theirs”. No doubt Patricia was doing this all along, whether she realised it or not.

Now, we have finally made her role official.

She will move from the Pak team to take up her role with our training colleagues in Institute. Patricia will be able to dedicate herself fully to her new position without distraction. We have no doubt she will shine and continue to grow into the role, making it her own.

In many ways this is the beginning of Patricia’s new career journey. It is certainly a very big step for her and a huge career milestone achieved.

Please join us in welcoming Patricia to the Brite Institute team, her first foray into open employment. Patricia is an example for all of us, highlighting that a dream, mixed with motivation, persistence and the right support can lead to big things.

Well done Trish, remember…

“what you get from achieving your goals is not as important as what you become when you achieve your goal”

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