As we all know, 2020 was a challenging year to say the least. While we all struggled in our own ways, some of us maybe more than others, we were all in it together and saw an amazing sense of community support across Australia. At Brite, we were so proud to still have achieved some of our 2020 goals despite the challenges presented by year that was.
Without the support of our staff and their families, our partners, advisors and volunteers, we would not have been able to achieve the results we have. So for that, we want to say a big thank you.
Of course, we also have our Board and industry partners to thank for their continued dedication to keeping the team on track and ensuring we achieve our goals. In light of this, we’re recapping some of our Brite-est highlights for 2020.
Brike Project Progress
In 2020, we were so pleased to continue working on the Brike Project, with the operation making some real progress over the course of the year.\r\n\r\nFor those who are unfamiliar with the Brike, it’s an e-bike designed for people with disabilities and their families.
Our staff will be working on the assembly of the Brikes once they have been manufactured; and we are currently working with a local advanced manufacturer to ensure that our employees can safely assemble the bike.
Brite Muesli Launch
One of our major highlights for the year was the launch of our Brite muesli, which was the result of a lot of careful planning that we were so excited to see come to fruition. This was our first venture into Brite food products, which has inspired us to continue to expand into this space in the coming years.
We would particularly like to thank the Toyota Production System Support Centre for their significant pro bono support, helping our employees to deal with their workload. This allowed us to achieve a 30% improvement in meeting production and delivery schedules.
We are pleased to announce that we are continuing to work with Toyota on the assemble of medical face shields to contribute to supporting health workers during the pandemic.
Brite Institute
Due to COVID-19, training proved to be a challenge for us in 2020, with our usual face-to-face classes unable to go ahead. Despite this, our staff responded swiftly to the situation and continued to deliver high quality training by adopting our new Learning Management System and using Zoom as the medium for classes.
In 2019- 2020, we had a total of 135 students enrolled in our courses from Certificate I to Certificate IV levels for literacy and numeracy, transition education, work education, individual support, ageing support, disability, and health and leisure.
Our New Website & App
n2020 also saw some improvements to our communications, with the launch of a new user-friendly website and the new Brite Spark App. Our website now better reflects our business and values, and is much easier for our visitors to navigate.
The app, on the other hand, was vital in giving us an additional platform to communicate with our learners and stakeholders.
Brite Plants
During 2020, Brite Plants continued to thrive, supplying a range of high-quality plants to local and state-wide customers. In February, we were awarded the plant and advanced tree supply contract for the Toorak Road Level Crossing Removal Project in Kooyong.
This opportunity will allow our team to demonstrate their capabilities in plant supply, requiring us to plant a total of 37,000 seedlings.
We also continued to increase our commercial revenue from plant operations, achieving a 14% increase on the previous year.